One year ago, I started Curious Frame for my thoughts on photography. The act of shooting is very different than that of viewing and attempting to understand how photography influences our lives.There are many new subscribers since the inception of this newsletter and it is a good time to have a look at the last year and the ground covered through the various topics discussed.Each subject discussed throughout the newsletter merely touches on an aspect of photography. Looking back at the previous issues I can begin to connect some of the pieces and expand on them.I thank you for following my journey into the life of photography. It is a journey of passion and it is therefore more about how photos can make us feel rather than any scientific investigation. I do hope that you enjoy it. Comments and suggestions are welcome.+++++
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Curious Frame - Happy Birthday Curious Frame!
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One year ago, I started Curious Frame for my thoughts on photography. The act of shooting is very different than that of viewing and attempting to understand how photography influences our lives.There are many new subscribers since the inception of this newsletter and it is a good time to have a look at the last year and the ground covered through the various topics discussed.Each subject discussed throughout the newsletter merely touches on an aspect of photography. Looking back at the previous issues I can begin to connect some of the pieces and expand on them.I thank you for following my journey into the life of photography. It is a journey of passion and it is therefore more about how photos can make us feel rather than any scientific investigation. I do hope that you enjoy it. Comments and suggestions are welcome.+++++